Theatre Group

West Camel Theatre Group (also know as the Little Barn Theatre Group)

The philosophy behind the West Camel Theatre Group is inclusivity as captured on the back of the Sinbad the Sailor pantomime programme in 1998:
‘The group welcomes members of all ages from this and neighbouring Parishes regardless of talent or experience. No auditions are held, if you want to be in a production, or part of the production team, you are in. You can give it a try and drop out if not enjoying yourself or add your own contribution to productions as they develop.’

If you are interested in knowing more, please email or call Melanie Smallwood on 01935 851452

Where the theatre group began and how it evolved

A brief history by Mary Gordon, one of the founding members from 1994.

…..once upon a time we wanted to ‘do a show’ and very generously Ann and Tim Marsh said we could do it in their Little Barn. As if by magic a stage was erected with curtains and ‘wings’ and rehearsals began…Read more here

We have collected an archive of previous productions, programmes and press articles where possible. Please find a list of these here

Treasure Island pantomime was the last performance laid on by the group in January 2025

For further info, to see how the cast prepared and some photos of how it went off, please join our Facebook page.

Costume Hire

The theatre group have 30 years worth of costumes and props, many of which we reuse, but these can be hired for a small charge. Please let us know if you are interested and would like to come and have a look at what we have. These are all in the attic at the Davis Hall.

Feedback welcome

We have tried our best, but if we have missed something, or not got it quite right, please do let us know. If you have programmes or photos you could share with us, please make contact and we would be thrilled to hear from you and add them to our collection. Please email
