West Camel Model Railway Society


West Camel Model Railway Society meets every Saturday and Wednesday.

Saturday between 9.00am to 12:00noon

Wednesdays between 1.00pm to 4:00pm

Location – Davis Hall at West Camel, Howell Hill, West Camel, Yeovil, BA22 7QX

It is an enthusiastic, friendly group of modellers that model in O, OO, O-16.5 and N Gauge.

Click image for a larger view


  • Please be aware, access to Davis Hall is not possible from the A303 directly (Howell Hill). Access must be via Plowage Lane, Queen Camel or Bridgehampton.
  • Road Closure signs are placed in West Camel next to ‘The Walnut Tree’, but access is still allowed through to the Davis Hall up Howell Hill Road.


O Gauge

  • The O Gauge group have now started work on a club layout for O Gauge. This is in its early phase with Baseboards recently purchased and track started to be laid.

O-16.5 Gauge

  • Brickfields is set in 1910s and features a Brickworks in the last throws of decline. The layout includes two scenic boards and a fiddle yard and integrates a Clay Mine, Brickworks and a local Station.
  • With Brickfields more or less finished, the modellers have started a new layout build. Stockley is a small continuous run narrow gauge country station which can be run on its own or as an extension to Brickfields.

OO Gauge

  • Layout 1: DCC. This layout, called “Malingford” is a 15-year-old track which has been used every week over the last 18 years. This track is put up every Saturday for members to come along and run their DCC trains. It is powered and controlled by a Digitrax DCC Controller, it can be operated by several hand controllers or via your mobile phone/tablet using the Digitrax Wi-Fi module. This layout is set around the 1960’s but members run trains from any era on it. It has 5 running lines ideal for members to run their trains.
  • Layout 2: Analogue. This layout, called “2 Ends” features a main station with a goods yard at one end and a fiddle yard at the other.
  • Layout 3: – We are building a new layout called Camel Hill Junction. The baseboards are now pretty much complete and we are now starting to look at laying some of the track. This layout will be 6.8m (23ft) x 2.4m (8ft), the aim is to be a great running layout with 4 running tracks ideal for Saturday mornings but with the ability to be a good open day/exhibition layout. The layout will consist of two modern lines and two heritage lines to cater for members with rolling stock from different era’s.

N Gauge

  • Layout 1: Camel Line – The N Gauge Layout Group have now started designing and making a new Club Layout after finishing Jim’s Creek and then selling it.




Mallingford – (Photo’s from Xmas 2023 Exhibition)

Camel Hill Junction – Baseboards

A Basic OO Gauge Layout (Kiddies Korner)

Kiddies Korner

This has been prepared for children to experience the thrill of operating a model railway. The rolling stock will be different, but the layout allows for 2 independent running trains.





West Camel Model Railway Club Exhibition 2024

WCMRS December 2024 Exhibition Video

Test Track

Test Track

  • We have a combined test track in O, OO and N gauges. Bring your loco’s and rolling stock along for a run.

Help and Advice

  • If your new or getting back into model railways and live in the area then why not come along. We provided help and advice to modellers from Track Design to Servicing Loco’s. Why not pop along and have a tea or coffee whilst meeting everyone. No need to book, just turn up Wednesday or Saturday and say hello.


Home Exhibition Dates (Davis Hall, West Camel):

  • As a member of the West Camel Model Railway Society we need as many members as possible to help with Club Exhibitions and Open Days. So can you please try and make yourself available to help with tasks like car park duty, setting up, packing up and any other task needed for the open day and club exhibition. The society also needs all the members to help with setting up and packing up on clubs days.


External Exhibitions:



  • Sat 1 Feb. Shirehampton Model Railway Club Show, Public Hall, Station Road, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9TX


List of all Exhibitions – https://www.ukmodelshops.co.uk/events

Toy Fairs:


Coach Trips to External Exhibitions (more information nearer the time):

  • Historically the club has gone to Warley National Model Railway Exhibition at the NEC in November and the London Festival of Railway Modelling at Alexandra Palace in March.

Dates when the hall is unavailable:

  • Saturday 25th January 2025 – Theatre Group
  • Saturday 1st February 2025 – Zabterapy Tai Chi


For further information about anything on this page please contact via our Facebook Page.

F: https://www.facebook.com/West-Camel-Model-Railway-Society-231943490188817/

West Camel Model Railway Society Committee:

  • Chairman: Derek Street
  • Vice Chairman: Richard Hewell
  • Treasurer: Colin Smith
  • Secretary: Keith Turk – WestCamelMRS@gmail.com
  • Exhibition Manager: Vacant
  • Trip Co-Ordinator: Lance Kinloch – lancenkinloch@yahoo.com
  • Club Rep to Wessex Association of MRCs:

Contact Number

  • 07971626308

Annual General Meeting:

  • Saturday 18th January 2025 – 9:30am
  • The club is hiring the hall all day on the 18th Jan 2025 so we can also have a club day running trains and modelling.

Web Page Administrator
